Marymoor Park Wayfinding
Marymoor Park Wayfinding

Marymoor Park Wayfinding

Marymoor Park is spacious and full of life, but it does not have the best wayfinding system. People could miss many attractions and it’s hard to get around. To solve these problems, we need to design signage that’s easy to spot. Something that stands out against the greeneries.

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King County Bus App Design
King County Bus App

King County Bus App Design

This app will save your battery, notify you when your bus is arriving, and tell you when to get off. Better yet, you can pay for your bus within the app with a QR code.

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Elliott Bay Book Company Redesign

Intro Competitive Analysis​ Contextual Interview Baseline Testing Card Sorting Comparative Paper Prototype Testing Paper Prototype Elliott Bay Book Company Improving online experience, encourage in-store foot traffic.​School: Seattle Central College   …

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