Good Girl Gone Fit Website Redesign
Contracted Company: King’s Dream Business Consulting | Duration: 3 Weeks | Role: Lead Web Designer
About Good Girl Gone Fit
Connect black women through fitness; educate & inform on health and wellness topics; provide support and encouragement to black women on their fitness journey.
Before getting help, Tiana’s website was very disorganized. She wanted to make sure to have black and pink as her theme, so the whole website had black and pink as her background colors. She had bold display fonts which were difficult to read, her content was all over the place and she had awkward spacing at random places. She had a video explaining how her website works (I said to Tiana: If we do a good job on your website, you wouldn’t need that video at all).
Scope: Tiana came to us to make her website more modern, and easy to use, also to put together a live video page for her members(confidential content).
Design Process
The communication with Tiana was slow because she was a student, mother, and also a business owner. She was not able to provide me the websites she likes or write any additional content. However, looking at what she had gave me ideas of how she intended her website to look and function. Displaying her Instagram feed would also bring more content to her new website.

The New Site
Hot pink is a great accent color, but not as background unless there isn’t much to read. The new website has a white background and a black header and footer to accommodate the theme style. As for the font, I changed all paragraphs into easy to read Helvetica, and the titles to the casual Sacramento cursive in order to give the site more energy. The header disappears when scrolling down and re-appears when scrolling up since it takes a lot of screen space when it’s present.
Client Feedback
Tiana Hill: I love how you put everything together. This is so much better than what I had before!